The aim of our rehabilitative measures is to put you in the best possible state of health, to avoid
a care situation and to give dedicated assistance in the treatment of illness. In the sense of a
holistic rehabilitation we treat patients with diseases
- of the heart (eg, after heart attack or bypass surgery, after heart valve replacement, with
heart muscle weakness, cardiac arrhythmias) li>
- of the vessels (eg, arterial occlusive disease, also after surgery, hypertension, venous
disease) li>
- of metabolism (eg overweight, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, lipid metabolism
disorders) li>
- from the rheumatic group (eg rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus
erythematosus, scleroderma) li>
- of the lungs (eg bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, after severe . . .more
The aim of our rehabilitative measures is to put you in the best possible state of health, to avoid a care situation and to give dedicated assistance in the treatment of illness. In the sense of a holistic rehabilitation we treat patients with diseases
- of the heart (eg, after heart attack or bypass surgery, after heart valve replacement, with heart muscle weakness, cardiac arrhythmias) li>
- of the vessels (eg, arterial occlusive disease, also after surgery, hypertension, venous disease) li>
- of metabolism (eg overweight, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, lipid metabolism disorders) li>
- from the rheumatic group (eg rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma) li>
- of the lungs (eg bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, after severe infections) li>
- of the gastrointestinal tract (eg after surgery, possibly with anus praeter, functional complaints, indigestion) li>
- of the nervous system (eg, after stroke or cerebral hemorrhage, Parkinson's syndrome, multiple sclerosis) li>
- Psychovegetative and physical fatigue states (eg, by severe general conditions, including carcinomas after completion of primary treatment such as surgery or radiation) li>
Furthermore, patients of the orthopedic department are looked after consiliar. So it is increasingly to older patients after surgical therapy. Here are often the above-mentioned internistic comorbidities. The aim of rehabilitation medicine is to put the patient back into their best possible physical and psychological condition and restore their everyday abilities. It is particularly important that those affected and their relatives are informed about the nature of the disease, its course and the therapeutic options. This happens u.a. in medically guided discussion groups and seminars (eg on hypertension, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, healthy nutrition, exercise training, strengthening of skeletal systems). less |